BETA Plane size and configuration designer softwareBETA Plane size and configuration designer software
Oct 07 2011
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Designing an air-plane in much more than just what colours you want to decorate it in. I recently began designing a new type of First Person View (FPV) model and while calculating the sizes I got quite sick of recalculating my math whenever I changed some dimension.

Instead I created a basic program which allows you to enter the dimensions of a model plan and edit them. Generally aircraft are scaled to certain proportions and my program makes use of these proportions to offer simple build designing. Also you can alter dimensions and select too alter the rest of the airframe based on the amount you changed.

Example you increase the wingspan from 50CM to 100CM then you increased 50%, the rest of the proportions would also increase by 50% (to scale editing).

Plane designer screenshot image This program is BETA , the program is not totally bug free or finished my circumstances mean I won't have time to further work on it so I'm realising as BETA.
Program details:
  1. Stand-alone application, 412KB size, no install!
  2. Portable on pen-stick or similar.
  3. Supplied with 2 demo files.
  4. Save in plain text configuration files, export generated images to BMP
  5. Work in MM, CM or inches
  6. Designed to run on EEEpc laptop with 1024*600 resolution for use at field
  7. Short cut keys for quick navigation and interaction

Plane designer screenshot image

Here you can see one of the demonstration files loaded. When you save a file all dimensions, all component positions/weights, selected colours, measurement types, Center of Mass, Center of Gravity and other options are all saved. This saves time when switching between projects that for example use different measurement types of render styles, you don't have to manually switch!

Plane designer screenshot image

The components editor uses Center of Mass calculations to show roughly where your COM point will be. By entering the models default weight and then choosing where to place components by selecting a pre-existing component OR entering your own.

With each change 2 diagrams will show your pitch and bank attitudes. The program combines all 4 images on the main program screen to view the model and COM/COG, you can then export this image as BMP which will also save a TXT file with the dimensions and surface area results.

Please remember this program is BETA and was only intended for my personal use but by request I'm sharing it. When I have time in the future I have plans too add Angle Of Attack demonstration animations and other features.
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