Blog home  >  Hello - anyone home?!
PermalinkSubmitted: 3:42 am on Jun-16-2015By: fatedev.com
This year has been pretty crazy with some very hardcore coding work going on behind the scenes. For this reason projects have been pushed back more than expected. I have took the time to organise the site and its redesign last month.

Opened up a few new sites running on FaTebase universal including a fan club site for the game Ovipets at OviFans.com if your into that type of gaming. I\'m looking to expand the variety of sites using the FB-Uni platform which seems to be going well.

I do have a flying project in the works as a mini FPV platform built out of depron but designed to take a beating for FPV racing, don\'t want to give away to much but it should be super fun.

On the aquariums front the master tank has now roughly 30 guppy fry about 2 weeks old and 10-15 baby shrimp all busy exploring around all the time. For the tank entirely running on LED lighting (5050 SMD) its all doing very well in terms of plant growth and how healthy they look. Check out my facebook wall (linked in the top menu) to find even more photos of the tanks.

Unfortunately most of these plans will occur later in the year as I have a pile of more programming, coding, graphic design and more to do as yet.

I will try to get some videos up soon though :)